A Year In Review

First off I’m not a writer and honestly don’t feel too profound to write a blog. Picture me being held at gunpoint by a very angry school teacher and forced to put thoughts into words. For me a chef, visual artist and former musician expressing my thoughts with text is torture. Every time I misspell a word, or stumble in my punctuation it is like a pistol whip to the brain. I hope you understand and grant me the right to share with you my goals, dreams, and experiences as a KC artist and cofounder of True Nature Crew. My goal for 2022 is to expand TNC’s artist base and provide each and every possible opportunity to local KC artists. Through art shows, concerts, and via the web, we will increase our local art community. Providing works of inspiration, and our creative experiences to all of Kansas City and the world. My dream for 2022 is to establish True Nature Crew as a brand, a belief system, and a beacon of Art & Life in Kansas City. Helping KC artists, musicians, and businesses improve and beautify our city and enrich the lives of all who share it. As for experiences, time will tell. True Nature Crew has high expectations for 2022. We plan to start sharing behind the scene interviews with local KC artists and musicians. Showcasing videos of artists performing their crafts. Providing a more personalized experience between patrons of the arts, KC artists, their muses and inspirations. A renaissance of creativity and positive growth for all of Kansas City. Please join me on this journey, let us together build a better and brighter future.

It would be easy to list all the things that went wrong in the past few years. We all have witnessed the past few years and the challenges of living during a pandemic, systemic racism, financial hardships, loss of loved ones, political turmoil, global warming, and those who would pull the wool over our eyes. With all this negativity it's easy to feel overwhelmed and uneasy about the future. For a second take a breath and let it all wash away. Instead of thinking about the negative, let us for a few moments focus on the heroes in our lives, and the things that empower and inspire us. What images come to mind? Faces of loved ones and memories shared, laughter, nature, your favorite song, that special day you never wanted to end. How truly powerful these are. They strengthen and restore us, giving us the ability to overcome, rise above, and make a better future! 

True Nature Crew is rooted in these beliefs. We are a growing collective of local KC artists, musicians, and business owners who believe in our community and the power of creativity. Banding together to strengthen our local community and start a better and brighter future. We together will rise above and overcome the problems and hardships we have and might face. With that said 2022 is set to be the beginning of a renaissance. Where we both as individuals and as a whole community will be able to rebuild, redefine, and renew what makes Kansas City great! 

Stay True, the truest you!


New True Nature